Surgeons Face Cruel Facts
oil on canvas over board
36 x 61 cm
From the exhibition text: The Value of Nothing - Studio 1.1 2018
'The only authentic cultural production is that which can draw on the collective experience of marginal pockets of social life... not fully penetrated by the market and the commodity system.” (Frederic Jameson, Signatures of the Visible)
"...Down here the cultural production carries on at its own pace, led by quite personal, sometimes private forces. Seeing what you see and wanting to pass it on. Rather than ‘Look-at-me’ art, it's 'Look-at-this'. It's art whose value lies on the margins, resisting assimilation.
Art which aims, even obliquely for a re-evaluation of the status quo (within society or within art itself), can often be seen as compromised; but the status quo is so rapidly evolving into a steady state of must-have next-please tail-chasing up-to-dateness that any pause becomes bold dissent."
MK, Studio 1.1 2018